2vs2 matchmaking bugged?

  • #1

    # UUL98R, currently a fairly new King Level 8 at around 2800 trophies. Every time I play a random 2vs2 I get matched up with players at 3800-4000 trophies, and consequently King levels 10-11

    Is this a glitch? On my main i always get up to date around my trophy range. It makes 2vs2 unplayable because I only have a couple of levels 9s, everything else is 8s and 7s.

  • #3

    Yeah, I also think it's normal. I have three accounts myself and see the same situation many times. But that's not too bad, with skill you can equalize the game.

    Bw and Merry Christmas,


    Stehe euch im Forum für Fragen zur Verfügung

    Termine für Gespräche muss ich allerdings zuerst mit meiner Couch vereinbaren, vielleicht haben wir schon was vor8)8o

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